Thursday, 26 April 2012

Engineers India Research Institute

 Engineers India Research Institute (EIRI) is an esteemed organization and provides integrated technical and financial consultancy service. The institute offers discreet information and counselling concerning a business to solve its recurring and potential business issues. EIRI supports clients to deal with various business practices to effectively run projects. EIRI has been initiated with the aim of removing lack of information so that a project gets started and runs smoothly. Being a consultant, it always makes available detailed project reports, market survey studies and research. It prides for an advanced Industrial, Business and Commercial Database to support businesses to easily deal with anything of intense nature.
EIRI always moves along with quality standards, resulting in customer appreciation and further need generation for projects and reports to deal with business and its related aspects. It has consistently been delivering integrated technical consultancy service, thus enabling a brand formation and reliability. Due diligence reports are prepared to let buyers and sellers meet up their needs and demands on a regular basis.
EIRI exploits knowledge and practices and converts them into useful information for clients through its team. The clients thus are spread across the boundaries find the projects extremely helpful and informative to support their business practices. The team of consultants Engineers, Economist and Technologists from all over helps us to solve various issues a business might face.
Industries We Cater To
Our wide expertise in different industries allow us to cater our services throughout the country. Some of the sectors to which our services catered to includes the following:

* Food, Bakery, Agro Processing
* Plastic, PVC, PET, HDPE/LDPE etc.
* Chemicals (Organic and Inorganic)
* Rubber Chemicals and Rubber Goods
* Textiles and Garments
* Paints, Varnish and Lacquer
* Soaps and Detergents
* Perfumes, Cosmetics and Flavours
* Electrical, Electronic and Computer/Infotech
* Plantations, Farming and Cultivations
* Leather
* Paper and Pulp
* Gums and Adhesives
* Dairy/Milk Processing
* Printing and Packaging
* Real Estate, Leisure and Hospitality
* Essential Oils, Oils & Fats and Allied
* Biofertilisers/Vermiculture and Biotechnology
* Building Materials and Construction Projects
* Spices, Cold Storage and Snacks Food
* Pharmaceuticals and Drugs
* Minerals and Minerals
* Fibre Glass
* Breakfast, Pasta and Cereal Food
* Ayurvedic Medicines
* Textile Auxiliary and Chemicals
* Organic Farming, Neem Products etc.
* Plastic Film, Plastic Waste and Plastic Compounds
* Potato and Potato Based Industries
* Inks, Stationery and Export Industries
* Confectionery, Bakery/Baking and other Food
* Herbs and Medicinal Cultivation and Jatropha (Biofuel)

HI-TECH PROJECTS: Ask for the free copy of Hi-Tech Projects, Monthly Magazine on New Project Opportunities and Industrial Technologies. Just e-mail us to send a free copy.

CEO Mr Sudhir Gupta has got over 28 years expertise in Industrial Project Consultancy, Technology Publications on various profitable Industries, Multiple Project Reports in CD-Roms, Over thousands satisfied entrepreneurs and well established Industrialists have been benefited from ENGINEERS INDIA RESEARCH INSTITUTE (EIRI). Now, EIRI have started E-Books trade from 2009 and have published over 50 e-books on various industries. Soon EIRI is going to bring all its edition and marketing all books throughout the World through e-books (in Cd and pdf format). Over 10,000 varied satisfied clienteles have been benefited from EIRI till date by getting Project Profiles, Market Survey, Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Reports (Fully Computerised), Consultancy (Technical and Financial) and Technology Books on Profitable Industries
Services Offered
We offer a wide assortment of services to our clients which range from consultancy to project reports and from market study to feasibility reports for our clients. Our comprehensive range of services comprises of Industrial Consultancy, rubber industry projects, IT industry projects, Project Management Consultancy, Hi - Tech Projects Industrial Reports, Detailed Feasibility Reports, New Project Identification, Project Feasibility and Market Study, Lucrative Industrial Project, Preparation of Project Profiles, Market Surveys / Studies, Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports, Project Reports in CD Roms and Identification of Plant /Process/Machinery. Some of the salient features of our services offered includes the following:
* Reliable
* Timely Executable
* Accuracy in Information
* Client Friendly
 Engineers India Research Institute
Address: 4449, Nai Sarak, Main Road, Delhi - 110006 (India).
Tel: +91 - 011 - 23918117, 23947058,23916431 64727385, 45120361
Mobile: +91 - 9811437895 +91 - 9811151047

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